“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ― Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Saturday, November 27, 2010
aku cakap sekali je.ko tak paham sudah.
dalam blog momok tu, ade kawan uncle sickoz yang tulis satu post ditujukan padanya. aku rasa ramai yang tak menyokong perbuatan dia.hari ni aku bukak blog dia, rupa-rupanya ada tulis buku pasal so-called scandal dia.dual language u ols! ada yang malay and english..haish...aku baca yang english tu rasa cam nak tampar pun ade.BAD GRAMMAR ALERT!
kenape nak buat macam tu pada seseorang kalau kita sayang pada dia? aku kalau sayang seseorang, seboleh-bolehnya akan cover rahsia orang tu, kecuali something yang kalau orang lain tak tahu akan bahayakan dia, mcm dia ada masalah kena pukul ngan boipren ke ape ke..dah orang tu percaya kat ko sepenuh hati, ko pulak sukati je dedah2 cerita yang entah betul entah tak.berani pulak si penulis bagi pesanan penaja pada pihak polis lah ape lah.sicko..memang sicko!
hm...biasanya blog2 skandal ni tak termasuk pun reading list aku tapi disebabkan rasa hormat pada Tuanku Siti Aishah, rasa-rasanya tak patut benda ni dihebohkan.boleh bayangkan tak perasaan dia?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Ada apa dengan zura? (What is it with Zura?) (Part 2)
Kau kata aku sempurna,
Kau kata engkau dengki jiwa raga,
Tak pasti engkau dengki pada apa,
Pada siapa tang apa celah mana.
Kau kata aku punya segala-galanya,
Kau kata aku lebih semua benda,
Sungguh sungguh aku kata itu semua auta,
Tapi mati-mati engkau benar, engkau kata.
Kita semua mahkluk Tuhan Maha Adil,
Lambat laun kita semua tergelincir,
Adil Tuhan tidak nampak pada mata kerdil,
Adil Tuhan tidak dengar pada telinga kecil.
Wahai teman,
Aku ini tidak punya apa-apa,
Tiada bapa penjamin semasa aku papa,
Tiada abang pengingat semasa aku alpa,
Tiada kekasih peneman semasa aku damba.
Aku bisa hidup dengan wang seringgit,
Bina hidup penuh sungguh dikit-dikit,
Dari kosong aku mahu jadi juta ringgit,
Dari tanah aku mahu terbang kelangit.
Aku ada apa yang kau tiada,
Aku tiada apa yang engkau ada,
Adil Tuhan tidak nampak pada mata kerdil,
Adil Tuhan tidak dengar pada telinga kecil.
Tolong teman, tolong jangan ungkit lagi,
Tolong teman, aku tidak mahu dengar peri,
Akan apa yang kita ada dan tiada di sisi,
Apa akan kita dapat, apa akan kita beri?
Pesan ini ikhlas untuk ingatanmu,
Pesan ini pesan aku sayang kamu,
Usah dihitung apa adanya aku,
Usah dikira apa kurangnya kamu.
Setiap kali engkau beritahu aku,
Engkau sedih pilu hati jumpa aku,
Hati ini bagai diracik-racik pilu,
Siapa suka teman sendiri benci kamu?
Siapa suka teman persoal kebaikan kamu?
Siapa girang teman benci adanya kamu?
Siapa gembira teman sedih melihat kamu?
Siapa puas teman sakit sihatnya kamu?
Hati aku juga pandai rasa sakit,
Jiwa aku juga letih dengar engkau perit,
Kalau boleh aku mahu terus terselit,
Tapi aku sudah penat kena lilit.
Cukup cukuplah sayangku temanku,
Jangan sampai Tuhan tarik balik kesayanganmu,
Ingat ingat wahai sayangku temanku,
Tuhan juga bisa ambil aku darimu.
Ada apa dengan zura? (What is it with Zura?) (Part 1)
Korang ade dengar tak pasal kisah chenta Tuanku Siti Aisyah ke hape nama dia mantan Agung kite dengan Uncle Seekers (mari cari hantu!)? Oh no no no aku bukan nak citer pasal diorang. Ke korang nak link dia? Nah klik sini, sini dan sini.
Ape dia? Klik2 tapi balik semula ke blog aku? Ahahahaha..kekdahnye aku nak letak website uncle sicko tuh kat sini. Tak best langsung. Photoshop gile babeng gamba2nye…semacam je..kesian Tuanku,,,
Eh, berbalik semula kepada topic kita. Ha…aku just nak cakap, dalam blog uncle sickoz tu kan dia buat part-part citernye..aku pun nak buat sama la nih. Aku nak menyatakan ketidakpuasan hatiku terhadap beberapa orang di sekeliling aku. Nak buat cemaner..nak cakap depan2 karang ade drama air mata. Pendek cerita ginilah, kalau aku tak terasa hati dengan apa yang korang buat kat aku, maknanya korang takde makna lah dalam hidup aku.
Dulu pensyarah aku, Encik ape tah (eh tetibe ingat nama dia, Encik Md. Nor) penah bagitau sesuatu pasal aku. Dia tengok tulisan aku, pastu dia cakap kat kelas (kebetulan aku duduk depan masa tu so dia nampaklah tulisan aku. “Awak semua tahu tak, melalui gaya tulisan kita, hati seseorang boleh dibaca. Contohnya Baizura… (aku time ni dah gelabah siot tadi aku tengah syok2 mengelamun tetibe je dia sebut nama aku).
“Baizura ni kuat merajuk…betul tak?” Kawan-kawan aku macam siot je sengih-sengih sebab mereka tahu itu adalah kebenaran!!!
“Tapi…” sambung Encik yang saspens itu “Baizura hanya merajuk pada orang yang penting dalam hidup dia. Lagi satu, dia suka tolong orang. Betul tak?” Maka riuhlah kelas Sinografi (Scenography/Kelas belajar hias pentas teater) kami pada hari itu.
Oh Encik-saya-lupa-nama-Encik (Encik Md Nor yer..aku tak derhaka lagik lupa nama pensyarah nih), memang betul kata-katamuuuu!!!! So, kalau aku tak cakap ape-ape pdahal aku terasa hati, jangan nak kata aku sensitip hokehhh.. aku memang macam tu dah tu nak buat macam mana? Ok ok boleh berhenti merapu skarang. Ni baru mukadimah u olss..gini citernye… (bersambung di Part 2)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
lagi 3 hari cuti!!!
buat ape time cuti? part time lah ape lagi. translate ni, edit tu, semua duittttt!!!
semoga cuti 2 minggu ini membawa duit yg banyak kepada saya.aminnn.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
soalan bodoh
dia: ko keje mana skarang?
aku: adala..kat u*****
dia: oooo, bestla ko keje situ
aku: takdela..biasa2 je
dia: ko keje bahagian mana?
aku: aku ngaja
dia: ooo..ngaja...ko pensyarah la eh
aku: yela, takkan mak guard kot
dia: betul ke ko pensyarah ni? ko ngaja ape sampai jadi pensyarah??
aku: (tutup chat, masuk biliik, tido.)
contoh 2:
dia: ko watpe skarang?
aku: aku keje kat u*****
dia: oh, keje kat library ke?
aku: taklah, kat fakulti XX
dia: ko keje ape? pejabat am? pembantu tadbir?
aku: tak, aku ngaja situ
dia: ngaja? biar betul ko nih
aku: (terus edit friend's list dekat facebook)
contoh 3
dia: lame tak jumpa ko, ko keje ke skarang (now you understand the level of stupid question people asked me)
aku: aku keje kat u*****
dia: bestnye..bolehla rekemen aku sorang
aku: aku baru je keje
dia: takde jawatan kosong ke?
aku: kalau jawatan mengajar aku tau la, jawatan lain aku tak pasti
dia: kenape? ko mengajar ke?
aku: yelah, ape lagi
dia: betul ke ko ngaja ni? ko pandai ke mengajar?
aku: (dah delete dari friend's list.beres)
seriously.aku penat dah jawab soalan2 bodoh nih.macam celaka.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
minggu yang membuat aku termenung
pastu dengar plak pasal ribut di jasin.bile tengok video..subhanallah..tak sampai satu minit pun kejadian tu.
semalam plak nur accident.bukan sikit.sampai mild concussion, lebam2, bengkak2 bibir berdarah.mane taknye, kete kelisa dia tunggang terbalik, langgar tiang TNB sampai patah 3.
nasib baik tak teruk sangat.hm...bila kejadian ni berlaku pada orang2 baik di sekeliling aku, aku pun tertanya-tanya, ape agaknye akan jadi pada aku? sebab aku rasa aku ni bukan baik sangat la.
hm..get well soon, nur.insya Allah adela hikmat kat mane-mane tu.taoi hikmat yang paling jelas adalah you are alive to tell it all...right?
Monday, August 9, 2010
aku kayo
aku kata "ber"baik sebab mereka ni bukan nak baik sangat dengan kita, tapi ada sebab tersembunyi.ala2 kacang walnut bawah walnut brownies secret recipe. kalau ko tak makan brownies tu ko tak tau ade walnut kan? tapi kek yg atas tu banyak kalori.walaupun walnut tu sedap, tapi ko terpaksa makan semua kek baru bleh rasa walnut tuh.kenapa aku citer pasal brownies plak ni???
anyways, my point is, orang-orang yang berbaik sebab nak kita buat sesuatu untuk diorang ni, baik takyah layan.aku penah berbaik dengan sorang kakak ni, buat business yang agak glemer skarang. aku tak kisah kalo die nak berbisnes, tapi kenapa nak pancing kita dengan belanja makan segala?
memang akak ni baik, tapi bila sampai towards the end of my practicum, aku slalu wonder samada aku kena ikut dia ke tak.sebab aku dah nampak tanda-tanda nak ajak aku masuk berbisnes skali dengan dia.aku kalo bab bisnes ni memang cap ayam la.tak minat langsung.maksud aku, bisnes yang kena pegi rumah orang or jumpa orang sebab nak kempen masuk - pakai sendiri dulu - then jual - dapat duit - boleh berenti keja and bersara awal.
seriously, kenapa nak bersara awal? kat mane kepuasan kalau berenti keje awal? pastu nak buat ape? kalau boleh, aku nak mengajar sampai umur 65. itu yang keje tetap la.after 65 still boleh keje lagi kan? bukan nak cari duit, tapi sebab kepuasan.
aku suka guna perkataan "substance" bila dealing with things.ape-ape aku buat, mesti ade substance (bukan dadah cik yah oiiii) tapi "intipati" or "isi".senang citer, ade SOMETHING.let's say ko keje dapat 4 juta sebulan tapi ko pegi beli barang mahal2 tayang kat blog ko, mane substance nya?
sorry la kalau ade menyinggung perasaan sape2.tapi aku betul2 takleh terima pandangan orang yang berbisnes and suruh aku berenti keje kerajaan sebab duit.takpelah gaji aku nak naik 3 ribu lebih pun kena pegi blaja 2 tahun lagi, aku terima je.takpelah tak cukup duit nak beli beg chanel/coach/hermes pun.semua2 beg mahal ribu riban tu menyumbang pada siapa?
Friday, August 6, 2010
random thoughts.
1.i don't like nigella lawson's cooking.i hate the way she puts in too much sugar, too much oil and too much cream in everything she cooks.i hate the way she throws away pieces of bread to make a "round flatbread".i just hate people who cook like that.
2.i usually takes things slowly, too slow that people think i'm dumb and demotivated and sorrowful and all that.i'm not.i just don't like pushing things to happen.i'll work hard and if things don't turn good, i'll either work harder or forget about it and continue with my life.i won't "work hard to achieve what i can achieve tomorrow, today". i don't believe in the view which says that we have to rush in everything in order to be in front of the line.i just don't do that.if it happens, it happens.if it doesn't happen, it doesn't.why bother changing God's plan? i know there's a Quranic verse which says that God will not change who we are unless we ignite it.i change a lot over the years, but i don't rush to get to the destination so much that i forget the joy of the journey.so that's it.don't rush me into doing something i don't want to.i'll hate you for that.
3.i think siti nurhaliza/justin bieber/rihanna is overrated. there i said it.now you know.
4.i think people should just stop embellishing their hijabs with so many shiny sparkly thingy.i can understand the beads on the hem, but shiny fake diamonds on the tudung topi is just eww.if you wear tudung to hide your aurat but then you decorate it with so many things that in the end will turn people's attention to you, it's just ironic, isn't it?
5.i hate it when people lie to my face.
6.i finally understand office politic.hold the door knob, smile, open the door, fake a smile, ask mundane questions, pretend the joke is funny, check the pigeon hole for memos (that could have been sent through email and thus, save some trees in the rain forest!) and leave.repeat again next day.
7.i like old english movies.no matter what people say, i still adore "the atonement".
8.i'd rather wait for the right man (one who doesn't lie about his ibadah to my face) or spend the rest of my life alone rather then meet a guy and marry him in an instant and be wronged just for the title "Mrs". No thanks.
9.my weight is my personal matter and you have no fucking right to say any fucking thing that you have in your fucking screwed up brain.
10.you have no right to discuss about this post in the office pantry while having your lunch.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
just now...
Carrie:"its just two grown-ups making the decision to live together"
Samantha:"men are like botox.painful and unnecessary"
now, i'd rather be Samantha, because she is the one who has it all and still enjoy her relationship. however, i did an SATC quiz to determine which girl am I and get this: I am Charlotte!!
now i'm confused.i want a life filled with excitement with my loved one, and Charlotte definitely doesn't cut it.
oh whatever.it's not like those four characters represent ALL women in the world.there are many more, if not millions of characters that haven't been explored yet, with much more substance beyond all those designer labels (i'd like to think i'm one of those characters.)
hm..after much consideration, i'll summarize what i want (based on the SATC characters) out of a relationship.
Carrie: for Big to admire Carrie because she loves books and that scene where she smells the book from library is awesome.wonder if there really are guys out there who appreciate woman with brain for once? (i know i know! very 90-ish issue.but this still counts in the present world and don't you dare denying it!!!)
Samantha: for being able to take chances to get what she wants in her life.i mean, Jerrod is hot and all, but Sam can't really give up what she wants: great bed partner (i can't type sex here, a family member might read this!).
Charlotte: for her everyday run! i'd love to do that.now i can only do 3 runs a week at most, but that's such an improvement. now i can really feel what it's like to run, to feel the wind, to have that sore muscle after the run, and to have really, really long legs (i give myself two years.another 18 months left).
Miranda: to have a baby.who wouldn't want that? i guess this is my maternity side talking. i'd like to have a baby.just once.for what? oh, i'd love to see my MINI ME!
hm...when would it happen? that moment when i decide that i don't want to wake up to an empty bed anymore, when i feel like cooking for one is not enough and cooking for two would make food tastier, one moment when i would look up to the sky and say "see? I'm not a lesbian!!!"
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I need a clutch!
I don’t know why but I find clutch as the most reasonable beg to carry around when I don’t have to bring my laptop bag. Nowadays I don’t carry a handbag cuz I don’t want to look like an idiot struggling with my quite heavy laptop bag and a handbag plus other things I carry daily such as my lunch and my sports attire for my daily jog.
I can’t find any picture of the clutch so I leave it to your imagination. Ciao.
Monday, June 28, 2010
it's official!
i am twenty-fucking seven!!
oh well, it's only 27, babe!
i received a sweet message in my Facebook. i wonder if the person who sent it actually sat down and composed it?
Dear MissiEz,
May you be richly blessed with all things wonderful and splendid.
May your joys be as the countless stars in the sky and victories as plentiful as the grains of sand on the beach.
May lack and struggle serve only to make you grow wiser and stronger.
And may you always feel loved, protected and cradled in the arms of Allah the Almighty. Amen.
Happy 27th birthday, my friend!
or did he just copy paste it from his "birthday wishes manual? ngeeeeee!
A year has gone and yet it feels like it was just yesterday that you left. Ever since, images of the last moments of you never cease to existence. It was abrupt, this saddening news that leaves us in a sudden gloom. However, we can feel your presence surrounding us. Not in your voice or your image, but your evident kindness, your everlasting contribution to the charity and most important, the presence of your being in many fans whom you have touched with your music.
To see you alive in one dimension and to go back to reality and realize that you are not, is an illusory epiphany. Like I said, it’s too sudden. There you were preparing for your special, extraordinary performance for your fans, and ironically, you weren’t there to celebrate.
I was never much of a fan, but after watching “This Is It”, it saddens me to see that that astounding amount of talent has gone. Just like that you left us with mysteries surrounding your departure. No one ever knows what had happened to you.
You’re a star, MJ, and we hope you shine down on us from up above, where you belong.
I wrote this after I watched “This Is It”. It was too soon, his death. How can someone this humble be tortured for the price of his popularity?
Saturday, June 19, 2010
kenapa ye?
nak citer benda2 menarik kat sini.
tapi skarang?
asyik-asyik keje.
tension ngan colleague.
tension ngan duet (slalu ni)
tapi tak penah lak tension ngan student
maybe sebab semua tudung labuh and senyap je
aku marah cam tsunami pun depa buat diam je
tapi seriously, kenapa ye?
maybe sebab zaman aku blajo dulu
banyak benda interesting kot
cam pegi tengok teater,
best skali, tengok Puteri Gunung Ledang,
weekly trip pegi basuh baju (yang ni pun special tau)
sebab lepas basuh baju mesti lepak kat kerusi batu
depan hostel budak laki,
sambil2 makan ais krim dan berlagak cool
padahal nak intai sape lah mamat pakai kain pelikat
pastu lepak kat balcony
pegi naik beskal malam2 buta, aku bonceng si tasa
pastu bila langgar bonggol
si tasa menjerit "sakit bontot saya!!!!"
ah...best rupenye hidup sebagai student ni
aku tak sabar
bulan 12 ni dah
bulan 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, pastu....
2 tahun je merdeka
pastu kena balik keje balik
tapi takpe, balik keje pun gaji dah naik
aku enjoy jadi umur 27 tahun
i really do
sometimes i pity them who are in their early twenties
tak matang lagi, bercinta pun main2 lagi
macam aku dulu2
tak matured langsung...ceh
tapi skarang tak macam tu dah
aku dah tahu ape aku nak dalam hidup aku
aku nak....
mane leh bagitau
hm..ape pun, birthday aku dah dekat
sape2 baca ni chup!!!!
kena bagi adiah birthday!!
tak saba la nk sambut birthday
ngan Anie, Amie, and sape2 lagi kawan2 aku yg ade kat terengganu
birthday 28hb
tapi sambut 25 or 26 or dua2 skali
sambut birthday awal
dua kali plak tu
ah..nak buat cemaner
my bestie Anie dah nak sambung master
26hb dia dh nak bertolak ke KL
kurang dah sorang tempat bermanja
berronggeng dan bermacam-macam
bulan 12 ni insya Allah
aku join ko, Anie!!!
yang lain2 plak sumer dah kawen
ah, takpe
jodoh ajal maut kan ketentuan Allah
takpela sampai lambat
at least aku capai dulu cita-cita aku
on a lighter note, I'm gonna be 27 this year
twenty-fucking seven!
let's see...best friend aku, Fizah dah dua anak
yang lain2 baru sorang
i want to enjoy my twenties and early thirties
eh...fikir sampai situ lak
oi cik missiez, ingat awk tu pompuan2 cun dalam SATC???
apa tu SATC??
Sex and The City lah
watak idaman aku?
Samantha kot
hahahahha...a cougar..meowwwww
hm..i'm ONLY 27 and I"M LOVING IT!!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
whats in my head
what has happened during the last few months? let's see...i finished (dengan jayanya) my second semester of teaching at UniS**. oh, where's that? its confidential.if i tell you, i'll have to kill you.i learnt a few things, got under a bus, over a train, keep falling in love...oh wait wait..that's a song, you moron! that's not me!!!
ahhh...no words could explain what i feel right now.so many things go through my mind at once that i find it difficult to focus.i'll just put it in point form a-la che det.here it goes:
1. got sick for over a week.(still coughing..)
2. join a weight-loss-live-healthy program.dunno whether i can go through as i find the dietitian needs skills to communicate effectively!!!!
3. was involved in many duties at work.i find this distasteful as many other people can afford to swing their legs left and right while i have to perform so many things.won't.forget.this.ever.
4. some people are just hard to understand so i decided to get over it.
5. attended a refreshing course on effective writing.
6. still need to improve my bitchiness.i won't be stepped on again.ever.
7. now the policy at the workplace is to "appear and disappear like a magician".
that's all i think.new semester is coming up soon.and i haven't prepared anything for the new students!!! oh, well, what the heck..whats a life without a surprise here and there?
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
I think I have the "cant-get-words-out-right" (CGWORS) syndrome. This particularly rare condition attacks a person by preventing the human from saying nice things when he/she really mean it. Instead, only words of sarcasm and criticism come out. I'll give you one example. No, I can give you a zillion of examples but sadly my internet sucks and I'm praying this one entry WILL come out right.
Note: Person A=Normal Person B: CGWORS
Exhibit A
A: I think you're nice.
B: Seriously? Like, seriously? (Tongue sticks out like an epileptic kid and rolls on the floor).
*What Missiez B really wants to say: Oh my, thank you! Well, I think you're nice too, but I just don't have enough guts to say it to your face!
Exhibit B
A: Here, have some drink.
*What Missiez B really wants to say: Thanks. You have nice eyes.
I mean, I REALLY do have something nice to say. It just won't come out exactly the way I want it. I know when someone treats me nicely I should say thanks and all, but lately, I've become a skeptic to everything.
When people are nice to me, I think they're just showing their pity. When they give me something nice or offer to help me, I can't help but think that they're doing it because they want something from me. I don't know why. Maybe this is the effect of the experience of liking someone for 6 years and that feeling was returned with grieve and sadness and humiliation. Probably I stopped thinking that maybe, somewhere in this world there really is someone made for me.
Someone who would accept me just the way I am…someone who would treat my fears and sorrows as his and bring me out of it. I hope I can find someone who thinks that I am special to him.
When people ask me about anything related to relationship, I told them I'm not looking. Truth is, I'm terrified. I'm scared that I wouldn't find any. Worst still, I would find someone whom I thought is special to me but in the end, it doesn't work.
Why am I afraid of the future so much? Why do I like to dwell on the past too much? These are the questions that I ask myself every day. I don't want the answers. I just want to meet someone who would stop me from dwelling too much on the past and worrying too much of the future.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
someone OR a group of them who pretend to be nice in front of you but then bitch like hell behind you?
better still, they bitch about EVERYONE!
not that I care, but bitches please!
if you're going to say something about me, at least look at yourself.
i mean, come on!
just because you're two inches smaller than me does not make you BETTER!
oh shut it.if you;re reading this, I'm GLAD.
Akiff Iskandar
My friend Amy just gave birth to this cute lil baby on the 16th of March 2010. Look at those BIG eyes!!! He looks just like his mommy..
I think he's the cutest baby I've seen this year...don't you think so??

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
it’s raining outside.wish i can sleep.
but then i have a million of things to do.
i have that questionnaire translations which i have to submit in 2 days.
i have that fortnight journals of my students which i have to check.
i have that mountain of assignments which i haven’t marked yet.
and i have that pounding headache banging to my skull telling me to get some rest!
that’s it.i’ma quit, find a rich but old-nak-mati millionnaire and then i’ll be done.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Brad Pitt

kenapa ye title blog aku kali ni brad pitt? adakah kerana aku nak menjelaskan hubungan aku dengan brad pitt agar para paparazzi sekalian takkan memburukkan nama kami? atau aku hanya berangan semata-mata?
ya betulll…memang aku berangan!!hahahaha…sekarang kan zaman kawan2 aku kawen.tiap2 bulan ade je org kawin. aku bukan tak kisah, aku kisah.sebab tu bila ada org tanya, “ko bila nk kawin?” aku selalu jawab “tunggu brad pitt masuk meminang”.
actually, brad pitt dalam perbualan aku tu hanyalah metafora semata-mata.korang tengoklah brad pitt.perfect.perfect bod, perfect wealth, perfect smile, and most important, perfect attitude!
kalau boleh, nak cari yg macam tu la.tak perlu hensem gile babas.tak caya? cuba korang google gambar brad pitt zaman muda2 dulu.takdela hensem mana pun kan?cuma yang jadi glamour tu sebab perwatakan dia.charisma dia.kesungguhan dia lakonkan watak2 yang diberi walaupun susah (cth: vampire, jadi org tua jadi muda balik, etc).
rasanya pasangan macam ni semua org pun nak.tapi bagi aku, cukuplah sekadar seseorang yang tak tinggal solat, yang tau jaga hati aku, yang tak berkira, yang senyum dia manis, dan yang penting sekali, memahami.
a…sekarang baru korang tau kenapa aku selalu jawab “tunggu brad pitt" masuk meminang” kan?
harap2 pasnih tak salah faham yer??
Omelette with chicken

its been a while since i last put up a recipe. here i have a recipe i "discovered" while trying to figure out what to eat.
2 medium eggs
3 cloves if garlic
3 spoonfuls of minced chicken
2 lite cheddar slices
1 medium tomato (dice)
half a capsicum (dice)
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil for frying (1 spoon)
1. separate the white eggs and the yolks
2.beat the white with the garlic cloves, tomato and capsicum
3.add the yolks and the minced chicken
4.put a pinch of salt and pepper to taste
5.heat the pan.pour egg mix.lay cheese on the eggs once the eggs are hardened a bit.
6.once the eggs brown a bit, stir the mix.
7.serve with baked beans, pita bread, wholegrain bread or european salad mix
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Busy as a bee
Nevertheless, every task (no matter how big or small or ahem..irritating) is a responsibility and there really is no way out except for to brace myself and accept the challenge.
We're already progressing into the 11th week of the semester. Things get pretty crazy nowadays. I need to administer progress test, make sure the attendance lists are all signed up, locate all the MCs students gave me, and most important of all, make sure students are well-formed with their carried marks and be familiar with the final exam format.
I have class in 10 mins so let's just wrap up things that happened in the last few weeks.
That's all. Hopefully after this I have more time to breathe!!! Just breathe!!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
do your own thang
i myself have many parts which, to some people, are very unpredictable. for example, there is this part of me which would like to stop everything i am doing now and just simply rest..other part of me wants me to be sulky, turn my back from the world, grow miser and just stop enjoying life.
but there's also another part of me which would stop thinking of others and start thinking of me and only me.and of course, that "part" that will always be here, the part where it says "live for others" will always haunt me wherever i am, whatever my position is right now.
those "parts" of me only appear at a time where things seems blurry, confusing or just simply disadvantaging.these hidden demons only show themselves when i seem to lose my way down the road.
i can't say no to those parts of me as it will be like denying myself from feeling envious of others as they succeed.i can't help it; its natural to feel like that of others.
yet i'm trying day by day to always stop thinking like that.to start thinking a lil bit more positively, to quit being envious of things i can't have, of things i don't want to have or things i don't deserve.
some people might not understand me, but that's just me.i struggle everyday to accept who i am, and to say that i do not feel anything when people tell me how wonderful their lives are is an understatement.
to quote from Perls;
"I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful.
If not, it can't be helped."
Sunday, February 21, 2010
To Live For Others
i'm terrified but i can't fight
i'm pissed but i can't diss
this is what i am feeling right now.
disappointments by disappointments
by disappointments to a point where I'm sleeping while spelling that word
disappointments= disappoint+ment+s
apparently, disappointments does not come from the word "appoint"
where appoint means: 1)Charge with a task or function 2)Assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to 3) furnish
I'm analyzing the word disappointments and i dont know why
i'm just so freaking disappointed!!!!
i'm disappointed at people
i'm disappointed at how things are
i'm disappointed at how people are making things disappointing for me
i'm just freaking disappointed.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Here, There and Everywhere
This year, we did the Asyura porridge three times. THREE times can you believe that? And all is performed in the small of our kitchen. I'm not a big fan of this kind of porridge, because I'm more like a Bubur Lambuk fan. Therefore, having to stay at home for three Fridays, smelling the food that I don't like was such a torture to me!!!
Oh, and the FELLOWSHIP is mine. Hurrah!!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Entry Berdegar-degar
Makanya setelah sampai depan bangunan aku pun cepat2 beli nasi ayam (bang, ayam lebih!), naik ofis, makan nasi ayam, tercekik, minum air, burp~~~Alhamdulillah...cepat2 donload mana2 video yg berkenan di hati, cepat2 kemas barang, grab my class file and PBL file (skarang semua nk bawak Problem-Based Learning dalam klas, maka aku ikut jer) and cepat2 melangkah naik lebuh raya u, cepat2 panjat plak tangga blok G, menuju ke bilik GB13, belek jam kejap - ah, baru pukul 11.10..kalau 11.15, mau aku berlari (klas pukul 11 wei!!!).
Dalam perjalanan nak sampai ke bilik GB13, aku berfikir macam-macam benda. Hari ni semangat giler nak mengajar..hari ni aku nak ajar budak2 berdikari, jadi independent learner..bila aku dapat master nanti, aku nak pulak bimbing diorang jadi manusia berguna!!!!
Maka aku pun membuka pintu kelas dan baru nak ucap "Assala....."
Takde orang.
Sorang pun takde.
Bilik gelap.
Air-cond tutup.
Aku tengok jam. Oh ye! Hari Khamis kelas pukul 11.30 sebab aku bagi can budak2 tu pegi makan dulu. Diorang ade kelas dari 8-1pm non-stop.
Maka aku pun turun ke kafe kat blok D dan menghirup udara segar...