Monday, June 28, 2010

it's official!

it's official now.
i am twenty-fucking seven!!
oh well, it's only 27, babe!

i received a sweet message in my Facebook. i wonder if the person who sent it actually sat down and composed it?

Dear MissiEz,

May you be richly blessed with all things wonderful and splendid.
May your joys be as the countless stars in the sky and victories as plentiful as the grains of sand on the beach.
May lack and struggle serve only to make you grow wiser and stronger.
And may you always feel loved, protected and cradled in the arms of Allah the Almighty. Amen.

Happy 27th birthday, my friend!

or did he just copy paste it from his "birthday wishes manual? ngeeeeee!


Dear MJ,

A year has gone and yet it feels like it was just yesterday that you left. Ever since, images of the last moments of you never cease to existence. It was abrupt, this saddening news that leaves us in a sudden gloom. However, we can feel your presence surrounding us. Not in your voice or your image, but your evident kindness, your everlasting contribution to the charity and most important, the presence of your being in many fans whom you have touched with your music.

To see you alive in one dimension and to go back to reality and realize that you are not, is an illusory epiphany. Like I said, it’s too sudden. There you were preparing for your special, extraordinary performance for your fans, and ironically, you weren’t there to celebrate.

I was never much of a fan, but after watching “This Is It”, it saddens me to see that that astounding amount of talent has gone. Just like that you left us with mysteries surrounding your departure. No one ever knows what had happened to you.

You’re a star, MJ, and we hope you shine down on us from up above, where you belong.

I wrote this after I watched “This Is It”. It was too soon, his death. How can someone this humble be tortured for the price of his popularity?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

kenapa ye?

kenapa ye? zaman aku blajo dulu macam senang je
nak citer benda2 menarik kat sini.
tapi skarang?
asyik-asyik keje.
tension ngan colleague.
tension ngan duet (slalu ni)
tapi tak penah lak tension ngan student
maybe sebab semua tudung labuh and senyap je
aku marah cam tsunami pun depa buat diam je

tapi seriously, kenapa ye?
maybe sebab zaman aku blajo dulu
banyak benda interesting kot
cam pegi tengok teater,
best skali, tengok Puteri Gunung Ledang,

weekly trip pegi basuh baju (yang ni pun special tau)
sebab lepas basuh baju mesti lepak kat kerusi batu
depan hostel budak laki,
sambil2 makan ais krim dan berlagak cool
padahal nak intai sape lah mamat pakai kain pelikat
pastu lepak kat balcony

pegi naik beskal malam2 buta, aku bonceng si tasa
pastu bila langgar bonggol
si tasa menjerit "sakit bontot saya!!!!" rupenye hidup sebagai student ni
aku tak sabar
bulan 12 ni dah
bulan 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, pastu....
2 tahun je merdeka
pastu kena balik keje balik
tapi takpe, balik keje pun gaji dah naik

aku enjoy jadi umur 27 tahun
i really do
sometimes i pity them who are in their early twenties
tak matang lagi, bercinta pun main2 lagi
macam aku dulu2
tak matured langsung...ceh
tapi skarang tak macam tu dah
aku dah tahu ape aku nak dalam hidup aku
aku nak....
mane leh bagitau

hm..ape pun, birthday aku dah dekat
sape2 baca ni chup!!!!
kena bagi adiah birthday!!
tak saba la nk sambut birthday
ngan Anie, Amie, and sape2 lagi kawan2 aku yg ade kat terengganu
birthday 28hb
tapi sambut 25 or 26 or dua2 skali
sambut birthday awal
dua kali plak tu
ah..nak buat cemaner

my bestie Anie dah nak sambung master
26hb dia dh nak bertolak ke KL
kurang dah sorang tempat bermanja
berronggeng dan bermacam-macam
bulan 12 ni insya Allah
aku join ko, Anie!!!
yang lain2 plak sumer dah kawen
ah, takpe
jodoh ajal maut kan ketentuan Allah
takpela sampai lambat

at least aku capai dulu cita-cita aku
on a lighter note, I'm gonna be 27 this year
twenty-fucking seven!
let's friend aku, Fizah dah dua anak
yang lain2 baru sorang
i want to enjoy my twenties and early thirties
eh...fikir sampai situ lak
oi cik missiez, ingat awk tu pompuan2 cun dalam SATC???
apa tu SATC??
Sex and The City lah
watak idaman aku?
Samantha kot
hahahahha...a cougar..meowwwww

hm..i'm ONLY 27 and I"M LOVING IT!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

whats in my head

oh, i'm sooooo glad to have my old blog back.i mean, i deactivated it for a while, just to clear some underbrushes but i'm glad to blog to this address again cuz this IS other blog is good for me other than this one.i feel so comfortable writing this because i know it will be posted to my beloved

what has happened during the last few months? let's see...i finished (dengan jayanya) my second semester of teaching at UniS**. oh, where's that? its confidential.if i tell you, i'll have to kill you.i learnt a few things, got under a bus, over a train, keep falling in love...oh wait wait..that's a song, you moron! that's not me!!! words could explain what i feel right many things go through my mind at once that i find it difficult to focus.i'll just put it in point form a-la che it goes:

1. got sick for over a week.(still coughing..)
2. join a weight-loss-live-healthy program.dunno whether i can go through as i find the dietitian needs skills to communicate effectively!!!!
3. was involved in many duties at work.i find this distasteful as many other people can afford to swing their legs left and right while i have to perform so many things.won't.forget.this.ever.
4. some people are just hard to understand so i decided to get over it.
5. attended a refreshing course on effective writing.
6. still need to improve my bitchiness.i won't be stepped on again.ever.
7. now the policy at the workplace is to "appear and disappear like a magician".

that's all i semester is coming up soon.and i haven't prepared anything for the new students!!! oh, well, what the heck..whats a life without a surprise here and there?