Sunday, April 13, 2008

Holiday (ye ke?)

Last Friday, after pushing meself to the core, after berhempas pulas buat keje macam nak gile, I managed to complete my thesis. Sadly, bile nak pegi anta, the lecturer acted as if I wasn’t there waiting for her kat luar office. Ada ka patut????

For one, I’ve always respect my lecturers. But what she did just kinda swept away all my respects. That day I missed one bus trip to KL because of her, and I had to buy another ticket, after waiting for another hour. The trip was supposed to be at 5pm, but I only managed to get outta Tanjung Malim at 7pm. Come on la…have a heart. I’m a student, not a slave. You could’ve just ambik je the thesis and put sumwhere.

Terasa ati dowh…thesis tu aku buat cam nak gile…orang anggap macam taik je. It’s ok. You’re a lecturer. I’m just a lower rank student who doesn’t have any title to my name yet. Wait la when I get one. Huh.

Of all the lecturers here in my university, there’s only one yang betul2 jaga student. I didn’t mean to be rude, but didn’t our parents work their hard ass so bad to pay for the fees…and you just waste their money by not producing…wait…not being a TEACHER to us. I understand that you’re busy, what the heck…

Sometimes terasa jugakla with the perangai lecturers here. Some are really baik. But some are just a pain in the ass. I made myself a vow not to be a big headed person yesterday…after seeing how badly you can be treated just because your rank is lower than someone else’s.

We’re all God’s creature. Ape salahnya merendah diri? I know I’m not that baik or something. I’ll only be nasty if the other parties start first. I just felt so damn underestimated. I know my thesis won’t win the noble prize or something, but hey, at least I wrote it MYSELF. Some people just upah somebody to do it. And you proudly puji that person in the class. If only you knew…

Well well well… I’m not gonna waste my jari to taip everything about you here. Next topic plizzz!!!

Starting from tomorrow, we’ll be having study week. For me, it’s 24-hour-internet-plus-books-movies-per-day kind of week. Tomorrow I’m going to the library and gather as much story books as I can (Paling banyak pun nam bijik je.chait!!). Yay! I think I’ll read one of those oldies…maybe Scarlett Letter? Whateva la…as long as bukan science fiction. Hate em. Double yuck.

I’d love to read Tuesdays With Morrie but I’m not sure if the library here has it. I doubt it. Maybe I’ll try to get the whole set of Shopaholics. They have lots of those Malay novel junks but soooooo little English books. And then you guys up there bising2 plak about the level of English of the students. What the heck.

Yesterday I went to Grand Union wit Tushy and bought junk foods. Lots of em. Bekalan to accompany us while watching or reading or doing whateva to finish this two weeks. exam’s due at 28th April. Lambat lagi tu…

Alamak…lapar plak…k la you blog-readers (heh) see ya again. Daaa!

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