Friday, December 19, 2008

Tagged by Amie

Aku ni kadang2 tertanya2 jugak menatang apekah "tag" ini dan siapakah penciptanya? Mesti orang yang cipta tag nih orang yang banyak sangat masa terluang kan? kan? Pastu mestilah dia nak ajak orang lain meluangkan masa macam dia kan? kan? kan....????

Okaylah Ami..bersiap sedialah dengan serangan balas tag aku...

1) do you think you’re hot?
Oh yes.I'm wearing red tudung, black shirt and blue jeans,how hot is that?

2) upload your favourite picture of you
huk ala...semua tak pakai tudung. so takleh upload!

3) what do you like about that picture?
that i actually do look beautiful nonetheless what that person who is tudung-less think.boy didnt i beat her at that!

4) when was the last time u ate pizza?
i think last two that one of those instant pizza.juz reheat in oven.added in some cheese for the taste and voila!

5) the last song u listened to?
Yuna-deeper conversation

6)what are u doing right now besides this? with oldskoolbee and cheryl.

7)what name would u prefer besides yours?
a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.but my name is not rose so i like my name.haha..apedaa aku merapu nih.

ppl i tag :

1.ticer eg
2.izzy-anne sycho

8 ) who is no.1
my x-college mate.

9) who is no.2?
my niece.

10) say something abt no.5
there is no no.5!

11) how abt no.4?
i tell me.

12) who is no.3?
she's a friend from university.

13) finally,tell abt no.6
takde dah..


cikCT said...

hola cikjura....ape ko buat coti2 ni diromah..aku dh tak sabo nk masuk skolah sekejap n pastu cuti lg 2 bulan...yuhuuuu.....

Azureus said...

ha...macam2 keje aku buat.semuanya memerlukan banyak tenaga.contohnya, membaca online novel sampai sakit2 mata ngan leher aku.ish2...

amie said...

zura.tahniah..anda menjawab tag aku..hahaha..aku rasa gitu yg buat tagged ni sgt takdok mcm best jugok jwb tagged..hahahahaha.nanti aku tagged mung lagi..sila lawat wordpress aku sokmo deh.hahahaha